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Manufacturers depend on delivering quality parts consistently. Ensuring part integrity on an industrial scale means creating and adhering to quality control measures throughout the production process.
While heat treating is just one of the many steps in your products’ journey to sale, the process puts great stress on parts. The right heat treater recognizes its important role maintaining part integrity and should take some of the burden of assuring quality processes.
We’ve put together this guide to introduce three unique heat treatment risks and highlight risk management processes we undertake to ensure your products meet your standards and are fit for whatever comes next.

Part 1

Cracking Risk

Part 2

Heat Treat Scale

Part 3

Decarburization in Steel

Part 4

Partners in Risk Management

Part 1

Cracking Risk

Metal parts are subjected to intense stresses before their final desired hardness is achieved. While the science behind hardening is complicated, customers’ demands are simple: Improve parts without destroying them.

There are many reasons cracks can occur during treatment. That’s why part design is so critical to reducing the risk. Understanding how design can influence cracking risk and monitoring parts for design characteristics that could promote cracks are the most effective ways to prevent failure.

The principles outlined below apply to any type of part, but tool and die components face the greatest risks.

In this guide, we discuss:

  • Some common risks associated with heat treatment processes.
  • The techniques heat treaters use to combat those risks.
  • Strategies managers can use to reduce heat treatment risk ahead of time.
  • Paulo’s state-of-the-art heat treating process control system.

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