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Vacuum Nitriding

Precision vacuum nitriding enhances fatigue strength and prolongs part life.

How Does Vacuum Nitriding Work?

This process is performed in a furnace similar to vacuum heat treatment furnaces, but it operates at a lower temperature and does not require quenching. The elimination of quenching from the vacuum nitriding process helps minimize distortion in the parts. 

Vacuum Nitriding Benefits

Vacuum nitriding can increase the fatigue strength and service life of your parts. Here are several other benefits: 

  • Can achieve case depths up to 0.025″
  • Enhanced wear and anti-galling properties due to a 40–70% increase in surface hardness  
  • Increased corrosion resistance due to nitrogen enrichment
  • Controlled low processing temperature of 700–1,200°F preserves the mechanical properties of the base material and minimizes distortion of the finished parts
  • Uniform coloration

Vacuum Nitriding Applications

Common applications of precision controlled vacuum nitriding are transmission components, gears, tools, and molds. Materials that respond well to vacuum nitriding include:

  • Alloy Steels
  • Specialty Steels
  • Titanium Alloys
  • Stainless Steels
  • Powdered Metals

Vacuum Nitriding at Paulo

Our precision vacuum nitriding furnace has a 6,000lb capacity and a work zone that measures 70” L x 47” W x 39” H. Process controls allow us to meet specific requirements with respect to which nitride phases are formed and to what depth.

Trust your parts to Paulo.

Are you facing challenges with your current vacuum nitriding provider or have a new project coming up? We’re ready to help. Connect with a Paulo expert today!

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