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Paulo is proud to announce the conclusion of our most recent Nadcap Re-Accreditation Audit for Paulo Cleveland resulted in zero non-conformances. The audit spanned five days and covered several processes including vacuum heat treating, brazing, and hot isostatic pressing. The recent changes resulting from AMS 2750 revision F were included in the audit. The zero-non-conformance audit secured 24-month merit status for the Cleveland plant.

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Corporate Director of Quality, Chad Simpson, added, “zero finding audits are always a great success. The changes to AMS 2750 required modifications for procedures, calibration methods, and documentation which make this achievement even more outstanding. Congratulations to the whole Cleveland Team.”

Nadcap, administered by the Performance Review Institute (PRI), is the premier Aerospace Quality Management System. Accreditation to Nadcap standards enable processing of Commercial and Military Aerospace components as well as applications in Defense and Space. Paulo’s Cleveland plant has provided thermal processing services to those industries for over 30 years.

Founded in 1943, Paulo is one of the largest providers of thermal processing and metal finishing solutions in North America. Headquartered in St. Louis, Paulo operates six strategically-located divisions across the U.S. and Mexico. We deliver quality results with datagineering: blending the best in automation, data, and human expertise.

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